New corals often introduce unwanted organisms, parasites and/or
impurities into the aquarium, which can endanger the old coral
population. Tropic Marin® Coral Clean reliably
removes the most common epiphytes, parasites and impurities in
an easy-to-use bath. The animals that fall off allow immediate
monitoring of success that shows whether further baths are
Tropic Marin® Coral Clean is phosphate-free and less
aggressive than other forms of cleaning baths such as Lugol's
solution or fresh water.
- Cleans corals from the most common epiphytes, parasites and
- Unlike conventional PVP iodine for wound care, with no
- Gentle treatment of corals
- No stress to the tank from medication or biocides as it
used as a bath
- Immediate monitoring of success, any fallen epiphytes and
parasites are left behind in the bath
A glass or plastic container, which holds the coral during the
treatment, is filled with sea water from the aquarium. 1
ml Tropic Marin® Coral Clean is dosed into the
prepared container per 100 ml water and mixed well with the
water. The coral is fully immersed in this short bath and left
for ten to fifteen minutes. Before the coral is put back into
the aquarium, the coral should be shaken lightly in the bath to
shake off any deposits and undesirable adhering organisms.
Coral crabs should be carefully removed before treatment and
placed back in the coral after treatment. The water quality of
the aquarium should be checked regularly to maintain the health
of the corals.